Father's Day isn't easy for those who have lost a child to abortion ...


"Fathers and mothers of aborted children … struggle with how to grieve the loss of a person who 'disappeared' from their lives." —Wayne Brauning, M. Div., D. Min.

"Meds and massive amounts of therapy helped. But not completely. Something was still missing."

"There is a myth in society that says men don’t care. … that men are untouched by the experience. … My experience of having listened to men’s stories over the years is that the scenarios are much more complicated." —a post-abortion counselor


... But if you give Him the broken pieces, God can make all things new.


"The Lord says: Cease your cries of mourning. Wipe the tears from your eyes. The sorrow you have shown shall have its reward. There is hope for your future."
— Jeremiah 31: 16-17

"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
— Psalm 34:18


Free resources. Healing options.






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