The Elliot Institute News
From the Leader in Post-Abortion Research
Vol. 7, No. 22 -- November 24, 2008


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Last Chance to Make A Year-End Donation

The clock is ticking ... but there's still time to send a last-minute gift to the Elliot Institute in support of our work.

During these difficult financial times, we have seen a drop in donations and have been forced to cut back on many programs and projects in order to keep our doors open. Many other not-for-profit organizations -- organizations doing good and important work -- are in the same position.

So why should you support us? Here are a few reasons:

1. We are the only organization dedicated to performing and publishing original research on the effects of abortion on women, men, families and society. Our peer-reviewed studies are leading to a new understanding ...

2. We are committed to advocating for the rights of women facing pressure, coercion or even violence to force them to abort. Our model legislation, the Stop Forced Abortions Act, is the only bill that would hold abortion clinics liable for failing to screen for coercion or for risk factors that put women and girls at risk for psychological problems after abortion. Not only does this protect the rights and well-being of women and girls, but it can also save lives by stopping up to 95 percent of abortions.

3. For the past 20 years, we have served as a leading resource for pro-life organizations and individuals throughout the world

How can you help support efforts like this? By making a making a $20 donation in honor of our 20th Anniversary.


Your gift can transform one—or a thousand—lives. By supporting our many research and educational projects, including our publications and our advertising/outreach campaign, you can change perceptions about "choice" ... raise awareness of widespread coercion and pregnancy- and abortion-related justices to everyone involved ... and open the door to healing.


With your $20 gift, you would be donating $1 for each of our 20 years. But perhaps you would consider making a gift of $60 ($3 for each of our 20 years), $100 ($5 for each of our 20 years), $200 ($10 for each of our 20 years) or even $400 ($20 for each of our 20 years).


Every dollar makes a difference!


Your support can help save lives today ... and stop a thousand injustices tomorrow.


To make a $20 contributionin recognition of 20 years of research, education and outreachor a gift of any amount, please do one of the following:


1. Click here to make a donation through Pay Pal,

2. Call 1-888-412-2676 to make a donation by credit card.

3. Send your check or money order to: Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield, IL 62791. Please mark your contributions: "20th Anniversary."


Donations are tax-deductible, and receipts will be provided upon request.







DONATIONS to support the Elliot Institute's post-abortion research,
education and outreach can be made here



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