“You mean you didn't want to have an abortion?"
Her question pierced my heart.  WOW, I thought, she doesn't know. 
Of course I didn't want my abortion.  I had no choice.

But how could she know? Who would expect her to?”

Dear Friend,

            Did you know? 

Most abortions are unwanted or coerced. Some are violently forced. But how could anyone know?  The research and stories supporting this mother’s heartbreak are a well-guarded secret.

Few Americans have been told … but we’d like to change that.  If you share our concern about exposing the truth, ending the injustice and opening the door to healing, we’d like you to join our e-list.

Widespread coercion and post-abortion grief, injury and death are a crisis that must be addressed. Coercion takes many forms and comes from all sides. It can escalate to violence, lost jobs, lost homes … even lost lives.

Did you know that after abortion, 65% suffer symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder?

Did you know that suicide rates are a silent epidemic that is breaking hearts, lives and families … many of them in your neighborhood … your school … your church.

Yet many are quick to judge women harshly or presume that abortion must have been “her choice” ...

“Every time abortion is debated,
it sounds 10 times as loud, it hurts 10 times as much."

”Three children are growing up without their mom
because nobody wanted to ask question."

"I don't know why they call it a choice."

Mothers like these do understand why we're calling it the un-choice … because it was never freely and fairly chosen or fully and fairly informed ... it was never really about "choice" at all.


They are the reason we’ve launched the UnChoice campaign – a compassionate advertising and education outreach to expose a painful shell game of coercion, deception, discrimination, ultimatums, abuses and even force or violent death followed by an equally unthinkable aftermath.

            At the Elliot Institute, we've been researching abortion’s impact on women, men, families and society for 20 years. We’re educating Americans about the many faces of coercion … the injustice of unwanted, deceptively presented or even violently forced abortions … the heartbreaking, even deadly aftermath.

            Our work is a challenging race against the clock. But we are grateful to those whose support enables us to continue this outreach.

 We invite you to visit www.unchoice.info to learn and to share free educational and healing resources such as this "business card" that could change the life of someone near you.

We invite you to join our list to receive news, free resources, information and research.

Together, we can stop the injustices, and save untold lives, hearts and souls.

Together, we can shed light on the industry's most carefully guarded secret.

Learn more on-line and share the truth about widespread unwanted abortions so that this well-kept secret will never again pierce another already-wounded mother’s heart.



DONATIONS to support the Elliot Institute's post-abortion
research, education and outreach can be made here



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