The UnLetter


An update on user-friendly resources, information, education
& outreach backed by the latest research, which changes conventional wisdom about abortion ... The UnChoice.


The UnChoice: (thē un´-chois) noun ...

 2009 Education and Outreach Planning Tips

"quote b"
gratitude, support,

Plan ahead for 2009 education and outreach
Why context matters
3 project goals to super-size your effectiveness
3 messages that can change conventional wisdom
At the end of the day, we will have achieved these 3 legacies

Going to D.C. or local Jan. 22nd events?
Take along a fresh perspective.


 Plan Ahead for 2009

This year, we have a tremendous opportunity to proactively yet compassionately shed light on abortion's injustice and harm not only to the unborn, but to all youth, women, men and families hurt by coercive or deceptive counseling, unwanted abortions, lack of honest answers and authentic support, and post-abortion heartbreak.

These are collectively an unthinkable injustice that is an important aspect of this issue too often minimized by media, experts, health officials, activists and leaders, or simply swept under a societal rug.

Even "the hard cases"
so often used to justify abortion are subject to a more compassionate response in light of new first-hand evidence from women who've been there. (See Hard Cases: New Answers or Victims & Victors)

This year
is an ideal time to expose abortion's injustice and harm to those it was supposed to help while embracing the challenge to all of us to offer more authentic support for both the unborn and women.

 The "Big Picture" Goals

The goals  ...

1) Restore families, hearts, souls and lives broken by abortion,
2) Make abortion not just rare, but unthinkable,
3) Build a better, more compassionate and authentically prowoman, prolife and profamily society.


The guideposts ...

Proactive planning that focuses on the injustice of unwanted or deceptively informed abortions and then on the risk and harm to youth and women will:


* prevent abortions by educating Americans about the injustice, risks and aftershock,
* give a heads-up about unwanted abortions, risks and aftermath to our own leaders and those in varied sectors of society,
* leverage our outreach, and
* set the stage for an authentically prowoman/prolife/profamily society tomorrow.

A reminder: why context is king and setting the stage is key

Many Americans still presume that most abortions are wanted or fully and fairly informed, while others still pressure friends and family to abort as a sort of blackmail in lieu of authentic support.

By raising awareness about unwanted abortions and warning other Americans of the risks to those they seek to help, we can limit snap judgments, prevent further destruction, and encourage them to extend a helping hand instead of heartbreak and harm.

 The "Short-Term Picture" ... 3 Focal Points for 2009

Whatever your outreach projects this year, consider focusing on these 3 things in 2009.

1) UNWANTED shed light on the injustice of commonplace unwanted, coerced or forced abortions in America

2) UNSAFE shed light on the risks to youth, women and families (including risk of unwanted abortions and subsequent serious physical or emotional harm or death of both child and mother.)

3) UNFAIR/HOPE communicate that this legacy has proven to be an unfair substitute for authentic support, and that hope and healing are possible for women, men and families hurt by abortion.



1. Unwanted. Let people on all sides know that most abortions are unwanted or coerced; many are threatened, blackmailed or forced. They may not realize that snap judgments, presumptions or careless use of the word "choice" can aggravate an already hurting individual or family.

Share the message, especially within your own groups and with civic, political, media and religious leaders.  Ask them to speak out.

"Unwanted." ... Supporting materials:

* Portraits of Coercion flyer a quick intro to this issue
* Forced Abortion in America a) quick-fact flyer or b) 22-page report to print and copy or share on-line as a pdf or take to a printer to bind as a booklet/handout.
* Top 10 Reasons its the UnChoice (for leaders on both sides who may not realize that most abortions are unwanted or coerced and many are directly or indirectly forced.)
* Pop Quiz
Ask undecideds and decideds alike to take The UnChoice Challenge.
* Book: Giving Sorrow Words (half-price limited time offer!) a clear and compelling overview plus gripping personal stories
Please a) link to our site, b) ask others to link to our site and join our list, and c) tell them about the site's new facts for compassionate, general-interest audiences plus free, user-friendly materials for anyone who wants to help raise awareness. 



Unsafe. The emerging evidence that abortion is traumatic, harmful and even deadly to women, plus evidence of widespread unwanted, coerced or forced abortion that endangers all vulnerable youth, women and families.

Supporting Materials

 * General-Interest Ads: Invisible Women, Wheelchair, Broken Lamp, Baby Shoes, Baby Carriage
* Small Ads great for bulletins, newsletters and trade magazines or distribute as bookmarks and business cards.
* Broken/Restored Rose Healing Ad Series, including bookmarks, business cards and billboard
*Book. Detrimental Effects of Abortion an academic research summary you can donate to your local church or civic library. (Half-price sale for limited time!)
Please a) link to our site, b) ask others to link to our site and join our list, and c) tell them about the site's new facts for compassionate, general-interest audiences plus free, user-friendly materials for anyone who wants to help raise awareness.  



Unfair/Hope ... communicate that this legacy has proven to be an unfair substitute for authentic support, and that hope and healing are possible for women, men and families hurt by abortion.

Supporting Materials
* Restored Rose ad series run individual ads, billboards, etc. or as a campaign
* Portraits of Coercion flyer
* Top 10 Reasons its the UnChoice
* General-Interest Ads: Invisible Women, Wheelchair, Broken Lamp, Baby Shoes, Baby Carriage
* Hard cases: New Facts/New Answers flyer
* Victims and Victors (Half-price sale! Limited time)
* É please link to our site, ask others to link and tell others about the sites information and free user-friendly educational materials. Also ask compassionate friends and leaders to join our e-list

If you plan to run ads or a campaign, use our free fundraising letter and read Ads 101: 6 Tips for important guidelines for effective and cost-effective yet compassionate public outreach.


 3.  Helpful Planning Guides


As you know, planning and budgeting communications outreach in advance super-sizes effectiveness. Grab a calendar. It's worth the effort to set aside just a little time to plan ahead and pencil in this year's ads and educational outreach. It's better to do a little that is targeted effectively than a lot in a random manner.

Timing is everything. Remember these dates as you're planning:

* schedule ads
* send letters to leaders (political leaders, pastors, editors and reporters) to run during respect-life activities
* plan healing ads and letters,
* distribute small ad/business cards or bookmarks
* Send our free fundraising letter to your group or compassionate philanthropists, or
* meet with other local civic or church individuals, groups and leaders or corporate sponsors (see co-op ads) to fund and run a few ads or a small-scale ad campaign later this year or next. (See Ads 101)
* To leverage your efforts, schedule a few simple yet effective PR/outreach activities from:
- Our list of Low-Cost/No-cost ideas.
- Check our PR section and PR Calendar or
- Political resources for other well-timed and effective advocacy tools and ideas.

In upcoming issues, well be sending reminders, project ideas and resources, all updated with the very latest research and information.

For best results: Plan. Advertise. Repeat
3 Campaign Options
Remember that effective ÒcampaignÓ ads require a lot of consistency and repetition. They work best when the same ads run in the same places at the same time, ideally over a several-week period.

I. Mix-and-Match If youre running just one or a few ads É choose from ads designed to work well for once- or short-run budgets. Any of these ads can run once, twice or several times and be effective. This includes the Restored-Rose Healing Series or the General-Audience Ad Series or selected radio ads, small ads or billboards.

II. General Mass-Media Campaign
For a more comprehensive local-media campaign, É choose the main ÒUnChoice Series,Ó but read Ads 101 6 Tips carefully as this campaign requires a bit more planning for and this is a ÒfamilyÓ of ads that are effective when run as a group.

III. All-Purpose: Healing and Education, Too: The Restored Rose/Healing Series É The healing ads can run as a campaign or as mix-and-match short-run ads.

January Respect-Life Events
What to share, carry or wear

T-shirts, bumper stickers and artwork for signs order now!
* Convenient canvas bags that carry a message, too encourage everyone in your group to get one and make an impression wherever you go
Lobby your lawmakers give them a copy of portraits of coercion, Top 10 List, the UnChoice Challenge (pop quiz) and 1 or 2 sample ads
Sample press release and letters to the editor



New Billboard, New Format






More ideas for January events



Distribute bookmarks and cards or run bulletin ads or small-space ads 


Share hope and add impact to Respect Life activities by running small space ads in bulletins, newspapers and other print publications or internet blogs and web sites.


Or use our 8.5 x 11 ads as bulletin stuffers or flyers posted in your church or community buildings. (For example, many libraries have a bulletin board where information about local events can be posted.)

Most of the larger ads are available in "co-op" versions, which have a designated space where you can put local information, such as rally speakers, special events, counseling center contact information or sponsorship information.


For co-op ads, with space to put your own local contacts, event announcement or sponsorship information, click here.


For bookmarks, bulletin ads, small-space ads or business cards, click here.


For tips about how to use the ads for maximum impact, see Ads 101–6 Tips.


Please remember, you can use these resources free of charge, but your support is crucial for this work to continue. Please see our terms of use before using these resources. And read on to see how you can support our work.



Drive home a new message with bumper stickers



We've added a new bumper sticker to our family of materials to raise awareness not only of abortion's harm to women but of the injustice of years of unwanted, coerced, deceptively informed or even forced abortions.


Please help us to get these issues on the radar of compassionate Americans and anyone who would pressure or even force youth or women to abort.


Get one for all of your vehicles or get several to hand out at rallies or anywhere and everywhere!




Times are tough for all of us these days. Please donate if you can.


always, please donate, if and whenever you can to keep this outreach going and thank you for your partnership in this difficult but important work.

This work is a labor of love done on a (threadbare) shoestring budget and investing in faith due to the urgency of this message:

  • A teen or other woman - this day - is being coerced or blackmailed into a senseless unwanted abortion you can prevent ...

  • Rates of post-abortion grief, injury, trauma and even suicide are disturbingly high. You can prevent a tragedy and exchange despair for renewed hope and unexpected joy ...

  • Your mustard-seed contribution today will speed the arrival of an authentic and faithful pro-life, pro-woman, pro-family culture.

Like everyone, we're facing serious shortages in these difficult times. Please pray about and consider becoming a Sustaining Partner by making regular donations, which will enable us to continue this outreach. If you would like information about becoming a Sustaining Partner, please send an email to


To make a donation to support this effort and our other research, education and outreach efforts:


1. Visit here to donate via Paypal, or

2. Call 1-888-412-2676 to donate by credit card, or

3. Send your contribution to Elliot Institute, PO Box 7348, Springfield, IL 62791.


May God bless you for your partnership in making this outreach possible!


Donations are tax-deductible, and receipts will be provided upon request.





Please support the Elliot Institute's post-abortion research,
education and outreach



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Please link to our site




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