The  letter

An update on The UnChoice campaign and educational materials from
the Elliot Institute, including evidence that most abortions are unwanted
or coerced and about other human rights abuses and risks that endanger
the rights and lives of both the unborn and women. Abortion is ...
The UnChoice 




(the unchoice) n. definition)

Most abortions are unwanted or coerced. Many are forced.


Women and girls are at risk of unwanted, coerced or forced abortions.

Homicide is the #1 killer of pregnant women.

Women also face post-abortion harm, heartbreak and higher death rates ...
mothers are dying, too.


From unwanted abortions to forbidden grief, a human rights abuse endangering both women and unborn children.

help & healing

Authentic choices
for those facing
a challenging pregnancy; hope
and healing for
those already hurt.

In this Issue:


Billboard Basics:
Tips and Tactics for Better Outdoor Advertising

How to Run a Billboard
Simple Steps Plus a Pro-Life Billboard Expert to Guide You

1 Billboard, 3 Formats
A Different Message that Few Have Heard



Billboard Basics:

Tips and Tactics for Better Outdoor Advertising 


85% of those surveyed believe billboards are useful to travelers.
83% call billboards informative.

-- Journal of Advertising


Studies show that billboard ads are still one of the most effective and cost-effective forms of "mass media" communications.


When you are trying to reach a broad spectrum of people across widely varying demographics, views and levels of understanding, billboards are an important piece of the communications puzzle. They are especially appropriate for reaching general public audiences.

Experts consider outdoor advertising to be an "image" medium. It helps to convey a general impression and image, especially one that defies conventional wisdom and is part of a broader educational outreach. Outdoor advertising is an effective tool in the advertising toolbox for changing perceptions and attitudes.

Compared to other media, such as broadcast or print, billboard advertising is a good value per ad dollar invested. It offers significant "reach," especially in well-trafficked areas. It can draw repeat views from hundreds or thousands of drivers, passengers, bikers and pedestrians. And, since billboards typically stay up for months rather than days, they can achieve the kind of repetition that is so necessary for advertising to work.


Rules of the Road


Just as in any effective advertising outreach, there are a few ground rules unique to each message and medium. This is especially important in "mass media" where the message will reach far more than just a narrowly defined audience.

Since impressions, attitudes, personal understanding and experiences vary widely, it's important to keep the message general, yet focused as a subunit of a larger, cohesive, disciplined and "on-message" campaign. If messages ramble or are out of context and unfocused, people will misinterpret or dismiss them. It is far more important to be clear, focused and consistent than clever for clever's sake. (Learn more about this in Ads 101.)


Also, since a billboard is a sign, the color should be bright, bold and visible from a distance; the contrast should be sharp and clear; and the message should be short and simple.

Busy people won't take time to stop and read -- an outdoor sign ad is just a general impression to reinforce an image bolstered by other ads running in the same market, such as radio, print and internet messages.

Remember that most people see a billboard when they're driving along at a good clip or when they're adjusting the radio, talking to passengers, checking blind spots, changing lanes, turning corners or eating French fries while planning or reviewing their day's activities. 

On the other hand, many people travel the same routes daily. Each time they see a message it will be more likely to be remembered and acted upon. Experts say most consumers must see an ad six or seven times before it really sinks in.

Public Relations (PR) Adds Even More Impact

Adding public relations or PR -- often known as free advertising -- will reinforce this message more quickly. This may involve press releases, letters to the editor or speeches and a special event at local civic organizations. See our PR section for PR tools, resources and information.





Other Forms of Outdoor Advertising
Think Outside (or on) the Box!



From signs on a box truck to benches at a bus stop, there are many other places to put outdoor ads. Consider airport kiosks or transit system signs, truck-side or bus-wrap advertising, car magnets, yard signs or banners in political rallies,


Every impression matters! And, of course, there's always the ultimate "outdoor ad," ... the humble but hard-working and low cost-per-impression bumper sticker!

Remember that some billboard companies offer or specialize in truck-side advertising. This keeps your message mobile to reach even more people. Or, put a sign on a truck parked outside a rally or other large event. If you choose any of these formats, remember that outdoor advertising is a "sign."

How an ad is presented will also send a message. All signage should be professionally developed and presented in a respectful, educational tone. It should have minimal and simple, uncluttered graphics with few words that viewers can see and understand at a glance. Such ads are merely signposts that point the way to another source, such as, where they can learn more and find or offer help.



How to Run a Billboard
Simple Steps, Plus a Billboard Expert to Guide You


Where to start? We've done the messaging and that all-important "big-picture" campaign. The UnChoice billboards are an important piece of the messaging puzzle. First, we've provided some important background about this message. At the end of this section you'll find a link to a pro-life billboard expert who can help walk you through the process.


The "Big Picture" Message

The UnChoice campaign message does some essential groundwork. It exposes the myth about "choice," informing the public that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, not freely "chosen" as widely assumed. This is important since most people assume that women "want" abortion and that significant coercion isn't happening in schools, hospitals, workplaces and even in the helping professions. This coercion is often synergistic with pressure or abuses at home or elsewhere or via abuse of authority, power or even with violence.


The UnChoice campaign also reminds people that abortion is abusing the fundamental rights of both babies and women, and that it's maiming and literally killing women, too. "Unwanted. Unsafe. Unfair."

The Call to Action

Any ad should deliver not only a new awareness and message but also a "call to action" that prompts people to act on the new understanding. This billboard message directs people to The UnChoice web site where they can learn more and find or offer help.




Three Common Formats
Plus a Pro-Life Billboard Expert to Help You!


The UnChoice billboard artwork is available in three different sizes to fit common billboard formats.


Keep in mind that what we provide is the artwork only, proportioned so it can be resized to fit standard billboards. Your local outdoor advertising company or a media professional can help you with this.


Or, contact the experts at www.prolifebillboard.htm for answers to common questions or help with the details, cost estimates and production logistics.




If You Find These Materials Helpful, Please Support this Outreach

If you can, please consider donating to support this work. Any donation -- however small -- is helpful and appreciated! You can make a donation here or call us at 1-888-412-2676.

We are especially in need of Sustaining Partners who pledge to make regular gifts, but choose the amount and how often they want to give. To become a Sustaining Partner, download our pledge form or call us at

Thank you for your partnership in this important and lifesaving work.






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