The  letter

An update on the Elliot Institute's user-friendly resources, ideas, information, education and outreach, backed by the latest academic research, which changes conventional wisdom about abortion ... 
The UnChoice


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"Life is like a box of chocolates.
You never know what you're going to get."
Send a nontraditional valentine this year and read further
to see how you can win a traditional (chocolate) treat!


A Valentine



 This Valentine's Day, you can change lives, hearts and souls forever by sending a compassionate ambassador into someone's world. 


It's not chocolate. It's not flowers. It doesn't come from Hallmark, but it comes from the heart.


It comes in many forms. It's a rose message card left in a church, an office or a bus depot. It's a classified ad in your bulletin, a quarter-page newspaper ad run in a local publication, or a donation to support research, education and outreach that will reach thousands.



Our compassionate series of healing ads and message cards can save babies and mothers. It can reach those already hurt and those still at risk. At the same time, it can help educate the public about abortion's risk to both the unborn and women.


From pregnancy-related abuse, deception and homicide (the #1 killer of pregnant women) to post-abortion harm, heartbreak and death, including high suicide rates, the risk is real.  In Massachusetts, an abortion clinic security guard testified that testified that the biggest aggressors at abortion clinics were men accompanying their wives or girlfriends. In some cases, these men were the woman's abusers ... angered that a pregnancy would expose their crime.


You can help by sending one or a "bouquet" of cards, bookmarks, ads or flyers.


Most of these materials feature a beautiful stained-glass rose to symbolize that - even though things will never be the same - God can restore broken lives, hearts and souls. This is a beautiful message to share on Valentine's Day, Mother's Day, or at any time throughout the year.


Enter Our Contest to Win a Chocolate Prize!


We hope you'll consider giving an unconventional "UnChocolate" Valentine's gift this year: A card, an ad, a letter, a call or a donation. You will likely never know the lives you've touched, but you will change their world just the same. 

Watch for other ideas and resources that you can use in your community.


As an added bonus, in February, we're giving away a box of chocolates to one lucky donor. It's easy to enter our contest:

Simply make a donation of any amount by February 14th, and add 14 cents to the total. For example, donate $5.14, $10.14, $55.14, $68.14, $100.14, $500.14 ... or any amount, as long as it ends in 14! 


If it ends in 14, your name will automatically be entered in the drawing for a box of chocolates on Feb. 14th. We will announce the winner in an upcoming e-newsletter. Good luck!