
From TheUnChoice.com -- an evidence-based Elliot Institute campaign to raise awareness about unwanted abortions, post-abortion issues and maternal deaths, plus help, hope and healing. ... The UnChoice. Unwanted. Unsafe. Unfair. 


New Evidence About "Hard Cases" -- Assault-Related Pregnancy
Answers that respect authentic women's rights, plus evidence that abortion was never about real "choice" for women and their children. 

"My stepfather told me the only way was to have an abortion. He dropped me off and picked me up. I often wonder what my child would be like today. I am pretty much over the effects of the molestation, but I still have to face a lot of effects from the abortion." -- from "Victims and Victors" 

New Evidence. New Answers. New Hope.

During political campaigns and in other public or personal discussions, "the hard cases" are often used to suggest that abortion must be the answer.

Although pregnancies resulting from sexual assault are relatively rare, they are still important, and many Americans remain undecided or have conflicted feelings about this issue due to the trauma surrounding the experience.

The Elliot Institute has evidence and resources that tell a dramatically different -- and ultimately hopeful -- story about "the hard cases." Our research, education and outreach materials address these issues with compassion and new evidence you can use to shed light on the truth, and update the debate with a hopeful message.

Victims and Victors: Speaking Out About Their Pregnancies, Abortions and Children Resulting from Sexual Assault


If you've read our book Victims and Victors, co-authored by Elliot Institute director Dr. David Reardon, you already know the truth. Surveys of women who've been there indicate clearly that -- contrary to what you hear in the media -- most do not want abortions or think abortion is the answer.

Those who had abortions in such situations -- often after being coerced to abort by those around them or through agenda- or sales-driven counseling -- have reported that the abortion only intensified their trauma.

Some have said the abortion was like "being assaulted again" and they were left with the added trauma of the abortion and heartbreak of losing a child. Those who didn't abort said they didn't regret having given birth.

In many cases, women and girls are pressured into abortion by the very people whose support they seek. Often, these friends or family will withhold moral, personal or practical support and, ironically, insist that abortion is her "only" option.

We Asked Women Who've Been There

Evidence shows that assault victims are often further harmed by being coerced into and further traumatized by abortion. As explored in Victims and Victors, a survey of women who became pregnant as a result of sexual assault found that:

  • 70% had their babies. Of those who continued the pregnancy, none said they regretted having given birth or that they wished they had aborted instead.

  • 78% said they believed that abortion was not a good solution for them and that it only intensified their trauma.

Many only aborted because they felt pressured by others to do so. In many cases, especially when the victims were young, it was usually someone else, not the victim, who chose the abortion. In a number of cases, abortion was used by the perpetrator to cover up the crime and even to allow the abuse to continue.

In one particularly disturbing case outlined in a separate report, a Baltimore man used up to 10 abortions to hide his chronic sexual abuses. (See similar examples in the Elliot Institute's Forced Abortion in America report.)

Use the resources linked below to tell others about evidence that abortion -- even in the "hard cases -- is not about "choice" or helping women and their children. Instead, it is adding trauma to trauma and leaving women alone with the heartbreaking aftermath. (If you or someone you know has experienced this, see our Help & Healing page for information about finding support.)

Learn and Share. Downloads and Other Resources from the Elliot Institute Regarding the "Hard Cases."


We encourage you to use the research, education and outreach materials listed below to help educate others.

You can distribute these materials in print, as handouts or online. Incorporate excerpts from them into one-on-one conversations or group talks. Forward them or post links on social media or via emails to family, friends and group leaders.

Write letters to the editor sharing this new-to-most information. When you have an opportunity, challenge your friends, family, and political, pastoral or other leaders with new evidence that abortion -- including and especially when it takes place in already-challenging situations such as assault -- only makes matters worse.

Please download, print and share these materials:

Those Who Make Exceptions Forgot to Ask Women Who've Been There

Ironically, many leaders who are "pro-life-with-exceptions" in the name of "choice," forgot to ask women who've been there, presuming to know what's best for women instead. Learn more, share this evidence and these user-friendly resources, and change the debate with an authentically pro-woman/pro-life message.



Help Support Valuable Research, Education and Outreach 


The UnChoice Campaign is an evidence-based, pro-woman/pro-life education and outreach project of the Elliot Institute. The Elliot Institute's peer-reviewed academic research and other expertise and information is used in important legal, judicial, legislative, medical, social services and other policy-making arenas to document abortion's exploitation, injury and heartbreak to the rights and lives of both the unborn and mothers.

Our information and materials are also helpful in deterring  abortions and saving lives of unborn children and mothers, while also encouraging various audiences and leaders to rethink their assumptions about abortion. 

Due to the urgency and potential of this message, we invite you to use our downloadable resources (including many of those above) free of charge. However, if you are able to make a donation, however small, it will support and speed this work.


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God bless you for your compassion and partnership in this work!




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