

From TheUnChoice.com -- an evidence-based Elliot Institute campaign to raise awareness about unwanted abortions, post-abortion issues and maternal deaths, plus help, hope and healing. ... The UnChoice. Unwanted. Unsafe. Unfair. 




image"Working the Right to Life booth at the fair is always a rewarding experience. Many people come to see us every year with their own personal stories. We do not know just how many people have been affected, but we do know a number of people whose minds have been changed.

It may be that you are just the one who is needed at the booth at one particular time." --Pro-Life of Southern Colorado

Who says you can't make a difference and have fun, too?


Give tomorrow's generation something to look up to!

Volunteer at your local county or state fair and save or change many lives today, while also changing hearts, minds, souls and laws with new evidence about abortion.

Or, simply pass along one or more of the blue-ribbon resources below to your local pro-life group to share at fairs and elsewhere.

There are many simple ways to use the list of fair-ready pro-woman/pro-life materials below. You can share a link or links. You can forward this newsletter. You can print extra copies of selected resources -- if your local pro-life booth organizers agree -- for them to share at the fair.

Where else can you save a life, change the culture and give new hope to so many while also enjoying a snow-cone, cotton candy, funnel cakes or your favorite fried snack-on-a-stick ... all in the same day? You may even have time for a sky-high ride, a tall slide, a tall lemonade, or an encounter with an extremely tall man!

State and County Fairs Present Exciting Opportunities

A fair is a great opportunity to reach new people, to update existing advocates and activists, and to reach out to still other women, men, teens and families and their children who may be at risk, or those already directly or indirectly affected by abortion. That's a lot!

The Elliot Institute has distilled a quarter-century's work about abortion's exploitation, risk and impact into user-friendly pro-woman/pro-life resources. The UnChoice materials and other evidence-based resources are ideal for general audiences, such as those at the fair.

It will reach those who may be coerced into unwanted abortions ... who are tolerant of abortion because they think it's about "choice" rather than coercion ... or who are already directly or indirectly hurt by abortion as individuals, friends or family. Whatever option you choose, you'll make serious inroads.

These materials are ready to share, but it takes people like you to take them to the people who will show up at a table, a booth or an event.


Download one or more resources from this list and share with fair-goers and/or your local pro-life booth organizers for blue-ribbon results:

  1. "What Every American Needs to Know" Series - Includes postcard, flyer, co-op plus other gender-specific or global versions. Add your logo, message or local contact info to the co-op version.

  2. Portraits of Coercion (flyer, prints on legal-size paper)

  3. "Forced Abortion" Series - Forced Abortion flyer, fact sheet or 26-page Forced Abortion in America Special Report

  4. Pop Quiz -- A great conversation-starter! Or, award prizes to top scorers.

  5. Psychological Risks (short or long-form, each with citations) -- good for those who want to help and/or deter, especially those being coerced. These facts can help them persuade the coercers or deter those doing the coercion.

  6. Physical Risks (short or long-form, each with citations) -- good for those who want to help and/or deter, especially those being coerced. These facts can help them persuade the coercers or deter those doing the coercion.


  7. Hard Cases: New Answers.  (booklet (pdf) A compassionate, surprising and evidence-based answer to abortion in cases of sexual assault -- a commonly used and detrimental rationale to further hurt vs. help those experiencing assault-related pregnancies.


  8. Research Booklets. (4-page booklet or 16-page booklet plus other handy summaries of key abortion research.)

  9. Help/Healing Flyers and Cards (Keep these on hand to give those already hurt or who know someone in need of healing.) Or, have a "Take One" basket of "rose" help/healing cards for people to pick up anonymously.

    Other cards and materials to share: 
    Messages that print on handy business cards
    - messages formatted 10 to a page to print on standard office-supply templates, or two postcards formatted for popular office-supply templates.

    Healing Booklets:
    a) Pregnancy resources, includes how to help those being coerced into unwanted abortions
    b) Healing tips and resources
    c) How to help others

  10. Prizes! Prop up a book on an easel with a "Win this Prize" poster to draw attention. Collect entrants' names, addresses and/or email addresses. Or, check the links below for signs, buttons, hats, mugs, T-shirts, etc., to use for prizes or to draw attention.


The UnChoice button or bumper sticker can be a great conversation-starter or prize. It opens the conversation by exposing the "choice" myth.

The broken-heart message also helps fence-sitters reconsider their "pro-woman" ambivalence about this issue. 

Contact us at elliotinstitute@gmail.com about using this artwork on T-shirts, buttons or other materials.



Help Support Tide-Changing Research, Education and Outreach

Due to the importance of this message, we invite you to use our evidence- based resources free of charge. However, if you are able to make a donation, however small, it will save the lives of babies and mothers today, while also changing hearts and minds tomorrow, and ending abortion with truth, hope, healing, unity and compassion.

God bless you for your compassion and partnership in this work!



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GoodSearch.com  * GoodShop.com  * 
bumper stickers, apparel, signs, etc.

unwanted abortions  *  unsafe  *  suicide risk  teens 
help & healing  *  AfterAbortion.org  *  Church Awareness Project
Center Against Forced Abortions
* AbortionRisks.org