

From TheUnChoice.com -- an evidence-based Elliot Institute campaign to raise awareness about unwanted abortions, post-abortion issues and maternal deaths, plus help, hope and healing. ... The UnChoice. Unwanted. Unsafe. Unfair. 



Roe v. Wade's 40th Year, the Elliot Institute's 25th Year, and Hope on the Horizon for Women, Men, Children and Families

Four decades ago, the Supreme Court opened the floodgates for abortion on demand in America. After all these years, many who have been pushing back the tide feel sobered by the unfathomable toll of this intrinsic evil.

Yet we are hopeful, too. Why? Because, thanks to good friends and partners like you, the evil is being exposed and confronted, and more people are finding or offering authentic help to defend the fundamental rights and lives of babies and mothers alike.

The truth is coming forward, lives are being saved, tides are turning, and we know that God is merciful, hope is possible, and His will ultimately will prevail.

(Pray to speed this day!)

25 Years of Research, Education and Outreach that Documents the Truth, Illuminates the Darkness and Restores Hope

If you've read recent Elliot Institute news releases, you know we're publishing important  research that exposes "the rest of the story" about abortion's exploitation, dangers, harm and heartbreak to women and others.

Research regarding coercion and post-abortion issues will help expose some fundamental lies upon which the abortion empire was built. Our evidence is being used in many places, in America and beyond. It is driving public debates, education and policy making in academia and medicine, churches and outreach organizations, and congresses, classrooms and courtrooms.


womanCoerced Abortion Among the Most Telling Evidence,
But it's Still News to Most Americans   

Perhaps among the most significant of the lies surrounding legal abortion in America is evidence that most abortions are unwanted or coerced, and that forced abortion is happening in America, too. Before, during or after, abortion is killing women, too. (See and share "What Every American Needs to Know" and "Forced Abortion in America" materials.)

"The UnChoice" campaign helps expose much of this information that is news to most Americans. The UnChoice campaign materials expose this information in a fundamentally different way -- as an issue of coercion, heartbreak and abuse of power, not safety and authentic "choice." Women are dying, too, their lives also uncounted.

Three Anniversaries, One Turning Point

handsThis year and next year mark three significant anniversaries in this pro-woman/pro-life journey. One represents a tragic assault on fundamental rights, and the others are  a tribute and testimony to the resolve of thousands of countless friends and partners, individuals and groups who have stayed the course.

As we acknowledge the milestones in a long journey, we reaffirm our commitment to see this through to the end ... until no more children, women and families are exploited, traumatized, broken and heartbroken ... until those who need a helping hand or an open door are assisted and healed.

Consider these three pivotal milestones


  1. 2012 is the 25th anniversary of the publication of the book that started it all -- Aborted Women, Silent No More by Elliot Institute Director David Reardon,

  2. 2013 marks the 25th anniversary of the Elliot Institute, established to conduct research, education and outreach regarding abortion's impact on women, men, families and society.

  3. 2013 marks the tragic 40th anniversary of abortion-on-demand in America.

The lives lost -- nearly 55 million babies, as well as mothers and fathers -- have reached unfathomable proportions. But the tide is turning. Use the resources below to help speed the process. And, if you can, please donate if you find our work over these 25 years helpful.

Voter Education, Elections plus 2013 Legislative Sessions
Challenge "pro-choice" voters with new evidence that: 1) it's not about choice, and 2) it's endangering, exploiting and killing women, too.  Our What Every American Needs to Know message is available on postcards or flyers, including some with space to add your logo or message. Share the Forced Abortion in America fact sheets, flyers or 22-page report to expose "pro-choice" rhetoric by showing America's anti-choice reality. 


Prevention, Help, Hope and Healing Resources
Warn parents and educate the public. Share: 1) educational information from our Suicide page, Teens at Risk page and Men, Abortion and Suicide article; and 2) Help and Healing resources, including help for those being coerced into unwanted abortions. See our sample PR tips and tools for more ideas and resources (and see more October ideas and resources.)


Education, Lesson-Planning and Outreach Opportunities
Teach, inspire and reach out to youth; warn parents about the risks to their teens; donate books to school libraries; and share other research and resources in lesson plans, civic outreach, and more. You can help save lives today while you also educate, encourage, transform and inspire tomorrow's leaders. 


First-Stop Research, Resources and Expertise on Abortion's Impact
Whether you're researching or educating others, you'll find a wealth of evidence-based information at TheUnChoice.com, (user-friendly public outreach and education materials), AfterAbortion.org (the Elliot Institute's primary site) and AbortionRisks.org, (a wiki-style clearinghouse of information).


October and January: 40th Anniversary Right-to-Life Events
Share pro-woman/pro-life Signature Ads, other ads and educational materials, rally signs and posters, and hats and other apparel (to wear at rallies or anytime). Update and refresh the debate during this tragic 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade. October is also Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This is a great time to educate people about the irony of unwanted, coerced and forced abortions -- evidence that exposes abortion's abuse of women's rights and renders "pro-choice" rhetoric meaningless. (See the main calendar for links to these resources.)

Thanksgiving and Christmas Season Outreach
Share our Thanksgiving-through-New Year's Holiday Season ads/flyers and Christmas ads/flyers to educate the public and save lives -- the lives of both unborn babies and their mothers and fathers, who are at risk for unwanted abortions, or post-abortion trauma or even suicide -- a heightened risk at this time of year.

Also, don't forget to check our Message Shop for meaningful Christmas gift ideas for compassionate friends and family, from our blessing ornaments and keepsake boxes to rally-ready hats, mugs, totes and apparel. Consider giving them a book, too! And seebelow for reminders about using GoodSearch, GoodShop and GoodDining this time of year as a painless way to support this work.


April 2013: Annual Church Awareness Project and Coerced Abortion Awareness Week
Our 3rd Annual Coerced Abortion Awareness Week (coming up in April) is part of the Elliot Institute's Church Awareness Project. Sign up for our  free email list to join the outreach, and download materials and ideas from our blog. Share your ideas and results on our blog, and plan ahead to share The Jericho Plan and plan other events in your church.

Check our events calendar for more ideas and links to these and other projects. The calendar also features links to appropriate resources for education and outreach. Use this helpful planning tool to supplement or expand your existing events and activities.

Help Support Valuable Research, Education and Outreach 

The UnChoice Campaign is an evidence-based, pro-woman/pro-life education and outreach project of the Elliot Institute. The Elliot Institute's peer-reviewed academic research and other expertise and information is used in important legal, judicial, legislative, medical, social services and other policy-making arenas to document abortion's exploitation, injury and heartbreak to the rights and lives of both the unborn and mothers.

Our information and materials are also helpful in deterring  abortions and saving lives of unborn children and mothers, while also encouraging various audiences and leaders to rethink their assumptions about abortion. 

Due to the urgency and potential of this message, we invite you to use our downloadable resources (including many of those above) free of charge. However, if you are able to make a donation, however small, it will support and speed this work.


You GoodSearch, Shop, Dine and Save ... They'll Donate to the Elliot Institute
at No Cost to You

Don't forget to support the Elliot Institute by using GoodSearch, GoodShop and GoodDining for everything from holiday travel and Christmas gifts, to school or office supplies, to flowers or dinner at your favorite restaurant. Simply type in "Elliot Institute" as your charity of choice and they'll help fund our work at no cost to you.

God bless you for your compassion and partnership in this work!




news  *  books  *  donate  *   Twitter  *  Facebook 
GoodSearch.com  * GoodShop.com  * 
bumper stickers, apparel, signs, etc.

unwanted abortions unsafe  *  suicide risk  *  teens 
help & healing  *  AfterAbortion.org  *  Church Awareness Project
Center Against Forced Abortions  *  AbortionRisks.org