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Small ads, clip art and message cards
For bulletins, newsletters, handouts and more




Small ads, big results.

How to use the smaller, evidence-based black-and-white or one-color ads and educational materials for free and/or cost-effective messaging.


There are many current and classic ways to use these materials to take this new evidence to people on all sides. These facts defy conventional wisdom about unwanted abortions and other abuses and heartbreak endangering mothers, children and families.


Whether you hand out pre-printed cards, put them in traditional mailings, or use them online, there are many practical uses for these short, but powerful, evidence-based educational materials.


Varied Options, from Bulletins and Newsletters to Banner Ads, Blog Posts and Social Media

Most of the materials on the Small Space Ads page are simple black-and-white or one-color messages that are easy to place and use anywhere from bulletins to banner ads. They're pre-sized to print as "business cards," postcards or ads.


You can use them as display ads or use the text to post in social media, put them on a web site, print them in a newsletter or carry them to have on hand to help you remember the message or share it with others.

Think Outside (or Inside) the Combox -- Affordable Places to Run this Message

When thinking about advertising and other messaging, some
people instantly think of expensive major media, whether it's online, in print or on the air. But smaller, local and/or very targeted media can be highly effective and affordable, or even free. You needn't advertise in costly national publications or during prime-time TV or radio slots. You needn't buy banner ads on national web sites with high advertising rates.


Smaller media can get big results ... especially if you maintain a high level of consistency with similar ad formats and styles and ads that stay "on-message." Don't overlook the smaller publications or media, such as those produced by local, regional or national school, church, civic or special-interest organizations. 


Whether it's a local women's club, a men's club, a school publication, a campus newspaper, a non-profit newsletter, or even a mention in the comments section of your favorite blog. Such media exposures can be very effective. They'll be even more effective if you run the same ads repeatedly. Consider running fewer and smaller ads with greater repetition.


Running the larger ads can be expensive and a high degree of consistency and repetition are necessary to be effective adding up to sizable media buys. This may be feasible if you have the time, budget, resources and expertise. But for most individuals or smaller organizations, the easier options on the Small Space Ads page are worth a look. (Learn more about this in Ads 101.) Smaller ads in highly targeted media can allow great affordability, versatility and consistency for little or no cost.


A Message that Touches Everyone in Some Way, So Various Media Can Reach People Who Need to Hear it for One Reason or Another

Remember that abortion touches everyone's life directly or indirectly. So, when you advertise in targeted media with smaller, but significant circulation, you will still reach people who need help or others who can offer help. You'll reach still others who will be relieved just to know that they're not alone and that others know, understand and care.


This evidence has also helped and will help those being coerced, those who have been coerced, or those at risk. Information about the physical and psychological harm to mothers plus the legal ramifications of coercing abortion or post-abortion injuries and deaths can help deter today's abortion. There are many different groups you can reach via smaller, less expensive local media. Whether its students at risk or youth groups reaching out, whether its women, men and families hurt by abortion, a grandmother who had an abortion years ago or senior citizens who want to volunteer ... you'll reach people who need to hear this.

Idea-Starter -- Ways to Use the Ads and Materials:

  • Advertise in publications of groups to which you or friends and family belong, or in other civic, trade and community print and online publications.

    The small, black-and-white ads are quick, easy and affordable messages to place in newsletters, newspapers or low-cost local religious or community and trade publications. It could be a local high school or college magazine, a bulletin notice or bulletin ad sponsorship, or a magazine published by your favorite civic group, women's group, men's organization, or even a publication targeted to senior citizens. 

  • Don't forget the "classified ads" sections, including those of smaller print or online publications.

    If you do choose a more costly major-media publication, don't forget that a simple black-and-white boxed "display ad" can stand out in the more affordable "classified ads" section. There are also classified sections of smaller media in print and online publications.

  • Wondering what to Tweet? Start here for this and other opportunities to reach people online.

    Remember that the general public and even many in pro-life circles haven't heard these messages. Check our Small-Space Ads Page for short messages to share on Twitter or other social media and web sites, or as conversation-starters for blog posts, etc. Put these messages anywhere and everywhere as content or text-only ads, too.

  • Print and share business-card-sized handouts:

    Many versions are formatted for 10-per-page business-card or postcard templates from popular brands such as Avery or similar brands available at office-supply stores and other retailers.

  • Include cards or flyers with other mailings or deliveries: If you send out a newsletter or other materials to your organization or group, make a habit of adding a card or cards to your delivery.

  • Share postcards or business card messages at trade shows, talks and other events. Have a "take one" basket of messages printed on business cards or postcards, or hand them out to visitors and others.

  • Leave them (with permission) on literature tables or racks in schools, libraries and churches.

  • Post them (with permission) on community bulletin boards. You may want to add a local contact where people can find help or further information.

  • Personalize: Use ink stamps or printed adhesive labels with your group (or other local resources) name, contact information, etc. and put them on the back of the card.

  • Conduct a postcard mailing campaign -- to legislators, leaders, civic and advocacy groups or other audiences, or include them with existing mailings.

  • Enlighten a leader: Hand deliver or mail materials to leaders in civic, church, media, education, youth groups, etc. This is a quick way to introduce someone to the "big picture."

  • Keep the message handy for "talking points" in speeches, multi-media messages, and other messaging, or for use during one-to-one conversations.

  • Incorporate the message into existing messages and activities to update or reframe it in a holistic pro-woman/pro-life/pro-family way.

  • More ideas - low-cost/no ways to use these ads for more ideas


Many of the Messages Are Pre-Formatted to Print on Business-Card or Postcard Templates. Or, Just Take them to a Local Copy or Quick-Print Printer.

You can print these cards yourself onto popular office-supply templates or take them to a printer. The business cards are formatted to fit 10 to a page.


If printing the cards yourself, you can use Avery business cards. The cards are already properly sized for most Avery business cards (see the list of compatible product numbers on the template page here). Follow product instructions for printing.

You can also print our 4 x 6 postcards using Avery Postcards # 5889 or 8386. (These blank cards can also be purchased in office supply stores). The layout has already been sized to fit these cards; follow the instructions on the product for printing the cards.


You may want to include a local individual or organization's contact information on the back of postcards or the business cards.


You can print or copy customized local information or use a stamp or label. This is a great way to call attention to a local organization or ministry while also lending a hand or sharing an important new message.



Use the Artwork Either Way -- As Traditional Ads or Printed as Cards to Distribute

This artwork could also be run as a small ad in a bulletin, newsletter, magazine, newspaper or other publication. Simply ask the publication to print a single image as your ad.


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