

From TheUnChoice.com -- an evidence-based Elliot Institute campaign to raise awareness about unwanted abortions, post-abortion issues and maternal deaths, plus help, hope and healing. ... The UnChoice. Unwanted. Unsafe. Unfair. 


September is Suicide Awareness Month. The upcoming holidays can also raise suicide risk. Save lives and educate the public about unwanted abortions and post-abortion suicide.


image"Three children are growing up without their mom ... because nobody wanted to ask questions.”


You may have noticed that the topic of suicide has been in the local and national news recently.  September is Suicide Awareness Month. While people are talking about it and it's in the news, this is a good time to join the discussion by sharing seldom-heard but significant evidence about abortion and suicide.

The Elliot Institute continues to document evidence of pre-abortion exploitation and higher post-abortion maternal death rates, including higher rates of suicide.


Mortality studies have found a three times higher risk of suicide in the first year among women who had an abortion vs. women in the general population, and a six times higher risk vs. women who gave birth. The highest suicide rate was within two months of the abortion. And record-based studies in California found that women with a history of abortion had higher rates of psychiatric treatment. (Learn more.)

While this issue is in the news and as the holiday season approaches, please take one or more of the simple steps below -- and know that you are likely saving lives while changing people's fundamental, widely held beliefs. Any time of year, but especially the holiday season, can be a difficult time for individuals or families directly or indirectly broken by abortion. Mothers and families -- especially teens -- may be at risk of unwanted abortions and post-abortion heartbreak. (See also Men, Abortion and Suicide.)


Make a big difference by taking one -- or a few -- of these simple steps:

  1. Learn more about pre-abortion coercion and post-abortion heartbreak, including abortion's link to higher rates of suicide and maternal deaths from other causes.
  2. Dash off a letter to the editor -- for print or online publications, large or small -- or share some new facts on a blog post, comment section, or via social networks and other media. 
  3. Update your pro-life materials and outreach by incorporating the Elliot Institute's "big picture" evidence of abortion's injustice and risk to the rights and lives of both the unborn and women. Check our Resources page, What Every American Needs to Know page and our Planning Calendar for ideas.
  4. Speed and support this message by donating to support our work, including running The UnChoice campaign ads -- like the one shown above -- in a test market. The Elliot Institute's evidence-based work is saving lives today and influencing the culture at every level, including education, legislation and policy-making arenas.
  5. Check our Suicide and Abortion page; Abortion, Men and Suicide article; and our Teens page for quick information and resources to share.
  6. Search "suicide" or other topics on AfterAbortion.org and our companion research site, AbortionRisks.org, for the latest studies and expert analysis on this and related issues.
  7. Use our Help and Healing pages and resources to help those at risk or already hurt, including those facing unwanted or coerced abortions.
  8. Run ads or share flyers, posters, etc. using our Christmas or other holiday resources shown below.
  9. Join our Church Awareness Project. (Learn more about this below.)
  10. Say and share our pro-woman/pro-life prayers.

Coming Up: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's Outreach

adWe offer other resources that can prevent abortions and abortion-related heartbreak over Thanksgiving, Christmas and other holiday season education/outreach opportunities.


The ad shown here is also available in a "holidays" version for use from Thanksgiving through New Year's. We also have co-op versions, which feature a boxed-in area where  you can add your own information, such as local outreach or help opportunities.

September: Suicide and Abortion Awareness, Prevention, Help, Hope and Healing

Share information about abortion and higher suicide rates among teens and women of all ages. Fathers and families are also at risk. Learn more and share information from our Suicide page, Teens at Risk page and Men, Abortion and Suicide article. See our sample PR tips and tools for more ideas and resources (and see more September ideas and resources.)

November and December: Christmas Season Outreach

Share our Holiday Season ads/flyers and Christmas ads/flyers to educate the public and save lives -- the lives of both unborn babies and their mothers and fathers who are at risk for unwanted abortions, or post-abortion trauma or even suicide -- a heightened risk at this time of year.

April 2013: Annual Church Awareness Project and Coerced Abortion Awareness Week

Unwanted abortions and post-abortion heartbreak -- including teens, men and families -- are happening in our own circles. The 3rd Annual Coerced Abortion Awareness Week (April 7-14) is part of the Elliot Institute's Church Awareness Project education and outreach. Learn more and join the outreach to light one candle and reach people close to home. Share your ideas and results on our blog, and plan ahead to share The Jericho Plan with your pastor and plan other events in your church.

Help Support Valuable Research, Education and Outreach 

The UnChoice Campaign is an evidence-based, pro-woman/pro-life education and outreach project of the Elliot Institute. The Elliot Institute's peer-reviewed academic research and other expertise and information is used in important legal, judicial, legislative, medical, social services and other policy-making arenas to document abortion's exploitation, injury and heartbreak to the rights and lives of both the unborn and mothers.

Our information and materials are also helpful in deterring  abortions and saving lives of unborn children and mothers, while also encouraging various audiences and leaders to rethink their assumptions about abortion. 


Due to the urgency and potential of this message, we invite you to use our downloadable resources (including many of those above) free of charge. However, if you are able to make a donation, however small, it will support and speed this work.

GoodSearch, Shop and Dine ...
They'll Fund Our Work at No Cost to You!


Don't forget to support the Elliot Institute by using GoodSearch, GoodShop and GoodDining for everything from summer fun and back-to-school shopping to Christmas gifts, travel plans or dinner at your favorite restaurant. Simply type in "Elliot Institute" as your charity of choice and they'll direct funding to support our work at no cost to you.

God bless you for your compassion and partnership in this work!


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bumper stickers, apparel, signs, etc.

unwanted abortions unsafe  *  suicide risk  *  teens 
help & healing  *  AfterAbortion.org  *  Church Awareness Project
Center Against Forced Abortions  *  AbortionRisks.org